"Cruise Control" Music Video Featured @ Silhouettes Of Scarlets Live

“Man… I had this feeling when I first started screening my documentary short “Made In America” at film festivals. But this here, was a whole lot different. The music I help create as a member of Honor Flow Productions means everything to me. And to have one of our joints “Cruise Control,”
play on the silver screen, with thumping sound, in-front of 400 plus strangers at the legendary Gardena Theater earlier this month, with former S.O.S. members WISE and Jay, and my college homie Croix (who had designed a handful of artwork for Chris’ solo run) being only the ones in the audience that knows our music, and to receive this reception throughout the video was honestly the best feeling the world.

Thank you to my little brotha Chris Siders, the whole SOS musical run, and Chicano Hollywood for the platform and the love. And mannnnnnnn, Chris, you are just operating on a different level right now man. Just this cross pollination of film, theater, and live music in one show last night was some bonafide Hollywood Bowl shit. It really took to Silhouettes Of Scarlets another level. Fuckin phenomenal job G to you and whole cast and crew.”

- Chuck

Charles Nunley IV