DJisLORD @ Headway Boxing TOMORROW! (5.4.19)
Right jab, left jab, uppercut, duck, right jab, left jab, uppercut, duck.... as the sound of the punching bag is being pounded by haymakers and jabs mercilessly to crush the inner sand. Simultaneously the crash of steel being being abused left right left right to shattering clanks, and the high octaves of hovering jump ropes like helicopters ring inside the gym of Headway Boxing with heavy breathing, pain, and smacks of high fives to both trainers. I, DJisLORD from the almighty Honor Flow Productions is honored to provide the soundtrack of these urban warriors training for self betterment. In celebration of their 1 year anniversary please come out and show this local business mad support! See you there music starts and festivities begin at 1pm! - DJisLORD